This evolution we are going through is both liberating and scary. You are not alone in your metamorphosis I've been feeling a lot of strong emotions lately and there’s a good chance you have too. At the last Spiritual Pep Rally, I mentioned that many of us have been going through 2 extremes right now: 1 - Noticing old beliefs falling away which is beneficial for our Soul growth but scary to feel because those barriers have been there for years or maybe decades and they are falling away leaving us feeling vulnerable and exposed. We have expanded beyond these barriers and secretly wondering if we’ll be able to stand on our own two feet without them. 2 - And yet before we can even complete the question of “Will I be ok without these walls that have been holding me up/ containing me?” right on the heels of this question is this deep sense of power and Knowingness that you will be MORE than fine and a deep sense of an authentic Self is rising within you. This grounded confident YOU is emerging right now and that’s the other strong extreme unfolding for us. This is a lot to feel into right now and please know that you are not alone in this evolution, this emergence of a new level of Being-ness for you. There are many of us experiencing this right now and we are on time. Our Souls are navigating us with more passion than we have felt in a while, however, this strong inner guidance is just ramping up! We can not ignore this power that is rising to the surface. We’re embarking on a whole new level and you are more prepared for this than you realize. You really are. Drop into your heart space and your heart’s wisdom and there you will find whatever you’re looking for outside of yourself - comfort, security, love, acceptance, lightheartedness, healing and hope. We are in this beautiful new evolution together and we are here when you need us. You are not alone, it is our time and we are safe to evolve into what has never existed before. It’s time. All my love to you and what you are soulfully becoming my friend, Megan